Android studio error 2.2 osx


Viewed 149 times


I recently installed android studio 2.1.1 on my mac. I performed all the necessary settings, only when I start AVD it returns this error:

Emulator: WARNING: Increasing RAM size to 1024MB Emulator: WARNING: VM
heap size set Below hardware specified minimum of 48MB Emulator:
WARNING: Setting VM heap size to 256MB Hax is enabled Hax ram_size
0x40000000 HAX is Working and Emulator runs in fast virt mode. console
on port 5554, ADB on port 5555

and in the APP tab this:

Error while Waiting for device: Timed out after 300seconds Waiting for Emulator come online.

How to solve this problem?

1 answer


This error is due to the amount of memory you have set on the device you are emulating. It is being suggested in the setar message for 1024Mb.

To do this, use AVD Manager and configure the device’s memory. These settings in AVD are in the device’s Avdanced Settings.

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