Let’s go in parts. You can try connecting with Firebird using the specific JDBC for this. The fact that you use the Eclipse or Android Studio does not change anything in this sense. So it may not work.
I use here for Firebird, in WEB application Jaybird
The Android SDK can be easily found in a quick Google search. If you already have the SDK downloaded from when using Eclipse, you can point to it in the Android Studio settings. It may be probably that you need to download more components, Android Studio itself should request. But ai the SDK Manager should help.
An example of this can be seen in this issue of SO-En: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16583024/1997073
android sdk is at this link there at the bottom, it is below the android studio itself download...https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
– Tiago
@tahatsu eclipse support is over, google recommends that you develop with the Android Studio IDE, but you can download the SDK and try to develop with the eclipse.
– user28366