How to develop in Android Studio with Firebird database?


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Can’t connect to an external Firebird bank from Android Studio? should I use eclipse?

Searching a lot how to make this connection, I saw in some posts that android can not make this connection.

And where can I download android sdk?

I can’t find more to configure the eclipse to program with android.

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    android sdk is at this link there at the bottom, it is below the android studio itself download...

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    @tahatsu eclipse support is over, google recommends that you develop with the Android Studio IDE, but you can download the SDK and try to develop with the eclipse.

1 answer


Let’s go in parts. You can try connecting with Firebird using the specific JDBC for this. The fact that you use the Eclipse or Android Studio does not change anything in this sense. So it may not work.

I use here for Firebird, in WEB application Jaybird


The Android SDK can be easily found in a quick Google search. If you already have the SDK downloaded from when using Eclipse, you can point to it in the Android Studio settings. It may be probably that you need to download more components, Android Studio itself should request. But ai the SDK Manager should help.

An example of this can be seen in this issue of SO-En:

  • the problem is that I can’t find anything in google about making this connection to external bank, mainly about Firebird, what I find doesn’t help me much, maybe I’m looking the wrong way, sei la... but anyway, thanks for the attention

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    @Tahatsu see that it is not interesting you connect directly from the mibile application with an external database. The correct thing is for you to have a layer, web-service, that accesses the database, and your app accesses that layer. Some links that may help: and

  • this first link had already found, but this API is paid so it complicated me, the second link had never found and it seems to me that will be a lot of help. well i found a tutorial on youtube of webservice follows the link: although it is for mysql I am trying to modify to use in Firebird, but the point is not that, the point is that when viewing this tutorial, I was confused, the web service is not created inside the android app? , I have to create it separately and put it on the server? , to then create the app to access this web service?

  • I was very confused seeing this tutorial and a doubt have a system in Delphi I can create a web service in java? , no conflicts occurred?

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    The web-service can be created in Java, PHP, or other language, and you can access it using Android, and yes, it will be hosted somewhere. To switch from Mysql to Firebird you will probably only change the JDBC driver. The links I passed are topics that explain how to use a web-service, the idea was to serve same base. Look for others.

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