I have an app and at the end I wanted to send a msg to one of the user contacts about my application.
var columnNumber = cursor.GetColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.Number);
contacto_numero = cursor.GetString(columnNumber);
SmsManager.Default.SendTextMessage(contacto_numero, null,msg_texto, null, null);
This is my code, and I don’t understand why not msg none, I think I have everything in order.
My msg is like this and does not have more than 160 characters..
msg_texto= "O seu amigo " + user_nome + " recomendoou a vir fazer o nosso questionario, venha experirmentar a nossa aplicação. Procure-nos na Playstore";
I’m most grateful to anyone who can help
remembers that if you use Unicode
, will be much heavier. For example, sendingO seu amigo recomendoou a vir fazer o nosso questionario, venha experirmentar a nossa aplicação. Procure-nos na Playstore
use 121 characters in two messages, whileO seu amigo recomendoou a vir fazer o nosso questionario, venha experirmentar a nossa aplicacao. Procure-nos na Playstore
(without) uses 120 in just one message. Why? Because of encoding of the message needed to use these characters.– brazilianldsjaguar
You can see what I’m talking about using this site here, and typing your message, seeing the difference between using
– brazilianldsjaguar