Array with a text file


Viewed 410 times



I need a method that PHP will read a text file. An example of what the file will contain:


So when PHP finishes reading the file, it gives an array with the name and link, for example:

$conteudo = array('nome' => 'link');

I searched the Internet but couldn’t find.

2 answers


A solution would be to read the file line by line and add to the array:

    $arq = fopen('arquivo.txt', 'r');
    $conteudo = array();
    if( $arq ) {
        while( ( $linha = fgets( $arq ) ) !== false )
            $keyValue = explode( '|', $linha, 2 );
            if( count( $keyValue ) === 2 )
                $key = $keyValue[0];
                $value = $keyValue[1];
                $conteudo[$key] = $value;
        fclose( $arq );
        die('Erro ao abrir arquivo!');
  • Oops! Gave right here, valeuzão!!


Run the code below, where "filename.txt" is the name of your file to be read. The array will be stored in the variable $conteudo

$conteudo = array();
$f = fopen("nomedoarquivo.txt", "r");
while ($linha = fgetcsv($f, 0, '|'))
    // retira o primeiro elemento do array, retornando-o para a variável $chave
    $chave = array_shift($linha);
    // associa a chave determinada na linha anterior o elemento restante do array
    $conteudo[$chave] = $linha;
  • Gave an error here: Warning: fopen() expects at least 2 Parameters, 1 Given in C: xampp htdocs_ teste2.php on line 3 Warning: fgetcsv() expects Parameter 1 to be source, Boolean Given in C: xampp htdocs_ teste2.php on line 4 Warning: fclose() expects Parameter 1 to be Resource, Boolean Given in C: xampp htdocs_ teste2.php on line 11 array(0) { }

  • 1

    Hello, I updated the code by setting the parameter of which file open mode. In this case, read.

  • It worked now, but the friend over there got to me faster, but still, thanks!!

  • 1

    Note that my solution is more compact and elegant. But it is up to you to choose the correct one

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