Call Share Bar after the image is loaded with 'lazyload'


Viewed 33 times


I am using the plugin (jQuery.Lazy();) to load my images.


She owns this callback:

// called after an element was successfully handled
afterLoad: function(element) {
    var imageSrc ='src');
    console.log('image "' + imageSrc + '" was loaded successfully');

What I intend to do is to call a sharing bar, after each image is loaded, I am using the share-bar of the Globo (

But I can’t carry her there.. .

I even cared about her .html(<div class="share-bar"...). It carries but is not displayed.

Someone can give me a light?

I even tested it:

afterLoad: function(element) {
                    var imageSrc ='src');
                    new ShareBar({
                        'selector': '.share-nn',
                        'buttonWidth': 24,
                        'buttonPadding': 2,
                        'networks': [

But he created, in each image, the same amount of bars according to the amount of images, like, 10 images, in each one he created 10 bars.

  • Where do you stand? What have you tried to do? So from scratch it’s hard to help :/

  • I edited the question with what I got to do and where I’m standing..

  • You have already tried to do so $(Function() { $('. your-image'). Lazy({ afterLoad... }) });

  • is thus currently:

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