Compare two querys


Viewed 236 times


I have a query that returns only the catechisms that went to the event:

 var catequizandosCheked = (from cat in db.Catequizando
                                       where cat.Eventos.Any(e => e.EventoID == eventoID)
                                       select new PresencaEventoViewModel
                                           CatequizandoID = cat.CatequizandoID                                          

and I have another query that returns all the catechized:

 var catequizandos = (from i in db.Inscricao
                                 join c in db.Catequizando on i.CatequizandoID equals c.CatequizandoID
                                 join p in db.Pessoa on c.CatequizandoID equals p.PessoaID
                                 join g in db.Grupo on i.GrupoID equals g.GrupoID
                                 where queryAnoPastoral.Contains(i.AnoPastoral)
                                 select new PresencaEventoViewModel
                                     Nome = p.Nome,
                                     CatequizandoID = p.PessoaID,
                                     AnoCatequese = i.AnoCatequese,
                                     LetraGrupo = g.LetraGrupo,
                                     Estado = !catequizandosCheked.Contains(p.PessoaID) ? "unchecked" : (catequizandosCheked.Contains(p.PessoaID) ? "checked" : null )                                                                                                                                        

In the query catequizandosI intend to return the attribute Estado "cheked" or "Uncheked" if found or not, the value of the query catequizandos

  • What’s the matter? Any of the darlings is not working? The attribute Estado is not returning right?

  • The state attribute is not being returned.

  • Have you tried debug his line and see if it’s not always falling in the second Else and receiving null? Estado = !catequizandosCheked.Contains(p.PessoaID) ? "unchecked" : (catequizandosCheked.Contains(p.PessoaID) ? "checked" : null

3 answers


Dude, try replacing the line below by placing exists instead of containts:

!catequizandosCheked.Exists(x => x.CatequizandoID  == p.PessoaID) ? "unchecked" : "checked"
  • N is recognized the Exists method in Linq : "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean Exists(System.Predicate`1[Webappcatechesis2.ViewModels.Presencaeventoviewmodel])' method, and this method cannot be Translated into a store Expression."

  • @Wickedone, I didn’t see that you were using direct bank operation, in this case try to use left Join the way below: var catequizandos = (from i in db.Inscricao
join _A in catequizandosCheked on p.CatequizandoID equals _A.CatequizandoID into _a
from _A in _a.DefaultIfEmpty()
where queryAnoPastoral.Contains(i.AnoPastoral)
select new PresencaEventoViewModel
{ Estado = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_A.CatequizandoID) ? "unchecked" : "checked"


@Wickedone, When you call the method ToList<T>() of a IQueryable<T>, you enumerate the data and speak to the LINQ that you want to execute the query in the database.

In that case, if SQL Server, you tell the Provider who wants his Query Expression be transformed into a script SQL at the exact time of execution. Thus, the variable catequizandosCheked is of type List` and is stored in memory.

When you try to mix Lambda Expression with local data, LINQ/Provider cannot translate your LINQ for a script SQL and so it makes a mistake (I imagine that this is your case).

To not "fill up too much sausage" you just need to change your Query Expression for:

var catequizandosCheked = (from cat in db.Catequizando
                           where cat.Eventos.Any(e => e.EventoID == eventoID)
                           select new PresencaEventoViewModel
                               CatequizandoID = cat.CatequizandoID                                          

In that case, without the ToList<T>(), the variable catequizandosCheked becomes the type IQueryable<PresencaEventViewModel> and can still be translated into a script SQL and be used in the other Query Expression.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • Yes, I made a mistake, but by removing the ToList() I get error also in the attribute condition Estado : 'Iqueryable<Presencaeventoviewmodel>' does not contain a Definition for 'Contains' and the best Extension method Overload 'Parallelenumerable.Contains<int>(Parallelquery<int>, int)' requires a receiver of type 'Parallelquery<int>'

  • Because it is a numeric data, you can still redo your query. By changing the !catequizandosCheked.Contains(p.PessoaID) for !catequizandosCheked.Any(x => p.PessoaID == x.PessoaID)


Solution I obtained:

Estado = !catequizandosCheked.Contains(p.PessoaID) ? "unchecked" : "checked"

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