Show source line author in Visual Studio (Git)


Viewed 117 times


How do you (shortcut) show the author of that line on the left side of the code lines, which Git provides?

  • Are you talking about "Francis Totten" in this image? What is your VS edition? Not the version.

  • no, there is a way to show the author of the specific line (all), is on the left side of the line number, this has in several ides, but I’ve seen in VS also....

  • Show a screen where you have this.


  • I found the answer,, as I correctly answer this question here, can I just cite this link as the answer?

  • 1

    Just click the blue button at the bottom to create a new answer. Then you can accept it with the correct one. What is written in the question seems to indicate something else.

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2 answers


You can use the git blame for this. It shows the last person who changed each line of the file, plus more information (commit hash, date, etc.)

  • "resolves", but I’m still not sharp on the git console, I need the speed that the IDE gives me, outside that can do some easy craps on the console, kkkkk

  • didn’t know the name of this git feature, so just looking for what you went through I found the stop quickly...vlw there!


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