Ionic - item does not bind in Nav-bar


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I have an icon in the Nav-bar that should show or not true/false toggle position. Testing in the view works perfectly but the result does not work in the Nav bar. Both pages use the same controller.

index.html - Nav-bar

<ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable" ng-controller="DashCtrl">
  <ion-nav-buttons side="right">
    <i class="icon ion-eye" ng-show="vaovivo.valor"></i>

Account.html - toggle

<ion-toggle ng-model="vaovivo.valor" ng-checked="vaovivo.valor">
  Modo ao Vivo


angular.module('Starter.controllers', [])

.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope,$rootScope) {    
  $scope.vaovivo = {'valor':false}
  • I think what you need is something like this: (I haven’t had time to study so I’m not sure)

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