How to show correct name on an Enum bitwise?


Viewed 125 times


I have this one marked as [Flag], ie, are values in bit

public enum Position

Setei to Both(both) position in 3 why if it is Left and Right at the same time, it must be equal to Both (1+2=3) But when I call Both at the Tostring and it shows up as "Left | Right". How do I make him appear as "Both"?

1 answer


Remove the attribute Flags... because that’s exactly what the Flags attribute is for, to indicate that there is a combination of values... if you want to show a value without considering it as a combination, then why use Flags?

Note that an Enum does not need the attribute Flags to be used as such. Also, I would specify all values manually to avoid future errors:

public enum Position
    None - 0,
    Left = 1,
    Right = 2,
    Both = 3

Still you can do it:

Position pos = Position.Left | Position.Right;

And when it comes to bitwise testing, you can use bitwise operator &, so as to isolate the desired bit, thus:

if ((pos & Position.Left) != 0)
    // código para quando o bit Position.Left está definido

Or else the other way around:

if ((pos & Position.Left) == 0)
    // código para quando o bit Position.Left está zerado
  • Yes, I hope so Both as 3 because its default would be 4 with [Flags]. It is that in certain parts of code I always need to compare the following: GameResult.PlayerPirate = playAs == Position.Right || playAs == Position.Both ? PlayerType.Human : PlayerType.Computer; Then if it is Left or Both do such a thing. But thank you very much, that was quite the mistake.

  • 2

    I added detail on how to do the check more simply.

  • 1

    Yes, the way I did in the other comment is before I knew that there was bitwise (: then I went to use and the doubt arose. This will greatly simplify the checks here, thank you very much!

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