What tools are available for C#project installers?


Viewed 658 times


I’m having trouble finding a satisfactory installer solution for my Windows Forms and WPF applications.

What Microsoft makes available is flexible or I’m not finding?

What do you use? What do you recommend?

  • One detail: Visual Studio is just the tool you use for development. Your project is in C# (or VB, or other platform language), but never in Visual Studio. Any doubt, you can see this question.

  • It’s all right, vlw!

  • @Renanoliveira I will put as a comment because I do not think that would be a very complete answer or that would be a good answer. What happens is that Microsoft makes available in Visual Studio the Clickonce method that creates for you the installer... For simple projects it fits perfectly well, as it creates all the installer and everything that is needed.. But it has limitations, as it is not a complete solution leaves to be desired in some aspects... Here’s what you think you should have, because what Clickonce generates is very simple and if this simplicity suits you, use it, otherwise use what was quoted.

  • @Érikthiago, then, I’ve tried him, he can’t adjust to my necessary specifications.... vlw ai!

  • I use and recommend Inno Setup. It is very good and quite flexible. The bad of it is that it is in Pascal, but it is worth the effort.

1 answer


It depends a lot on what you want to do, without higher specifications it’s hard to find one that fits your case.

There are several solutions and each of them has a different way of working, I’ll stick to listing some of them, without going into any details about how to use them.

  • Inno Setup - Free
  • Install Shield - It has a free (limited) and a paid (full) version. Visual Studio has an option to create an "installer" project using Install Shield.

  • Advanced Installer - Paid

  • Wix Toolset - Free and open source - I don’t have many details about it, but I have heard very well, maybe I should be the first option for you to evaluate.

Obviously, there is also the option to develop your own installer, specific to your needs.

  • 2

    can recommend to anyone the Wix Toolset as default, the business is animal, and fully opensource!

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