Receive values (popup) on parent page


Viewed 505 times


On another question, they were able to help me about storing the values of some input of a popup, to move to the parent page.

Summary.jsp (father)

<input type="button" onclick="test();" value="Palavras" />
<div id="idPai"></div>

function test(){

In popup, there is a function, addCampos(), for the user to create several fields input.

saida.jsp (popup)

<div id="campoPai"></div>
<input type="text" id='ctxt' name="campo[]" class="form-control">   
<input type="button" value="Adicionar campos" onclick="addCampos()">
<button class="btn btn-success" onclick="enviaDados();">Envia Dados</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var qtdeCampos = 0;
  function addCampos() {
    var objPai = document.getElementById("campoPai");
    var objFilho = document.createElement("div");//Criando o elemento DIV;
    objFilho.setAttribute("id","filho"+qtdeCampos);//Definindo atributos ao objFilho
    objPai.appendChild(objFilho);//Inserindo o elemento no pai
    //Escrevendo algo no filho recém-criado:
    document.getElementById("filho"+qtdeCampos).innerHTML = "<input type='text' id='ctxt"+qtdeCampos+"' name='campo[]'>\n\<input type='button' onclick='removerCampo("+qtdeCampos+")' value='Apagar campo'>";
  function removerCampo(id) {
    var objPai = document.getElementById("campoPai");
    var objFilho = document.getElementById("filho"+id);
    //Removendo o DIV com id específico do nó-pai:
    var removido = objPai.removeChild(objFilho);

In the method below, is the main part of the other question, is where is passed the values (an array) to the parent page.

<script language="javascript">
  function enviaDados(){
    $("#idPai").html(""); // Aqui irá resetar o conteudo da div.
    $("#idPai").append("<p><b> Valor do Imput: "+$(this).val()+"</b></p>");


My problem is that I don’t know how to use (catch) this value on the parent page. What I need is: the user will type several words in the popup, when closing the popup, the typed words will be compared with a java array, and so only the typed words that are contained in this array will be shown on the screen.

  • 1

    Buddy, you can take the values from the each putting the $(this).val() in an array in the object window using the function Array.push().

  • can you give an example? I’m not used to HTML/Javascript programming

  • 1

    @Peaceful Opa, you need to take input values and play for the parent jsp ( here is meant as the actual rendered html), or for java?

  • @Matheus need to play for the parent JSP. There I will use it in a java function.

  • 1

    @Peace I think it’s a bit confusing, in jsp it means like html with its Javascript functions, if you want to play for java, because it doesn’t use a normal form?

  • @Matheus In short, what I need to do is: Get these words typed in the popup and compare them to a vector that’s in java. I will only show in the page the words that were typed and are in the vector in java. It’s less confusing now?

  • 2

    @Peace Now I understand what you need. But you will have to edit the question, attaching such a problem so they can help you.

  • @Matheus there is some way to buy in real-time the values of each with those of the array java?

  • 1

    @devgaspa Yes, assuming the programmer took the java list and passed it to an array in JS. Then just compare the values of each with the array coming from java.

  • 1

    @Matheus then, suppose there is a array JS values from java, only using if(arrayJsComValoresDoJava.indexOf($(this).val()) != -1) I can verify the existence of the value.

  • 1

    @devgaspa At first yes, and that would solve the question.

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1 answer


Come on, to get the data you use the same function($(this).val()), within the each, which is assigning the values in the div#idPai of HTML.

To store these values in a array you declare a variable before the function enviaDados. Within the each, every run, you add in array the value using the function push().

See how it looks in the code:

<script language="javascript">
  var arrayDados = []; // declaração do array no escopo global.
  function enviaDados(){
    $("#idPai").html(""); // Aqui irá resetar o conteudo da div.
      arrayDados.push($(this).val()); // adiciona o valor no array.
      $("#idPai").append("<p><b> Valor do Imput: "+$(this).val()+"</b></p>");

This implementation is to keep the values that came from the modal in a array in the global scope of Javascript, being possible to access the page father.


Assuming you’ve created one array in the JS with the JAVA values, as our friend @Matheus said in the comments, this is the global scope array. To verify the existence of the values you can use the function indexOf() to validate.

Obs: Let’s assume you created the array var ArrayJScomValoresDoJava = [x,p,t,o] with the values of array java.

See how it looks in the code:

<script language="javascript">
  function enviaDados(){
    $("#idPai").html(""); // Aqui irá resetar o conteudo da div.
      if(ArrayJScomValoresDoJava.indexOf($(this).val()) != -1) {
        $("#idPai").append("<p><b> Valor do Imput: "+$(this).val()+"</b></p>");

This implementation will add to div#idPai only when the value passed by the modal exists in the array, read about indexOf if there are doubts.

  • How do I access this vector on the parent page?

  • 2

    @Peace through the variable arrayDados. By the discussion in the comments, perhaps, this example is not feasible for your problem.

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