Is there a downside to having a high number of Activities? What is the alternative?


Viewed 48 times


I am a beginner in Android development and need to create a project with approximately 120 screens. Is it correct to use 120 Activities? What is the cost of this? There’s a more efficient way for this case?

  • 1

    Marcelo, welcome to Stackoverflow in Portuguese! Provide more details about the screens you want to create, as the question is very generic. What will they contain? Is there any pattern that repeats in them and that could lead to a reuse of code?

  • Your application will have 120 activities (different interactions/different things) that the user can do?

  • Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an app with so many screens

1 answer


Use Fragments is what google recommends, when you create many activities you end up recreating unnecessary views and codes.

About Ragments you can read here and here

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