Doubt when declaring Enum with string


Viewed 781 times


numDeclarate an Enum type string, like this:

public enum SEXO
    M = "Masculino",
    F = "Feminino"

As I do to have an Enum similar to the one above. That way give error:

Cannot implicitly Convert type 'string' to 'int'

1 answer


You can’t, at least not directly the way you’re trying to ask the question.

You can achieve a similar effect using extensions, take the example

public static string GetStringValue(this Enum value)
    var type = value.GetType();

    var fieldInfo = type.GetField(value.ToString());

    var attributes = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
        typeof(StringValueAttribute), false) as StringValueAttribute[];

    var stringvalue = attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0 ? attributes[0].StringValue : value.ToString();
    return stringvalue;

public class StringValueAttribute : Attribute
    public string StringValue { get; protected set; }

    public StringValueAttribute(string value)
        StringValue = value;

Enum’s statement

public enum Sexo
    M = 1,    
    F = 2


string descrEnum = Sexo.M.GetStringValue();

I vaguely remembered that this code had come out of here from Sopt, now I found little him in this answer.

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