Having tables in memory as Pythonicos objects is something Sqlalchemy does alone.
However, if appropriate, generate a '.py' file with the templates themselves,
is something that needs to be done manually -
you create the file text as a string, and save it to a file -
you can use one of the template Engines, like the ones that are already used
in frameworks, or the Python format itself -
So, to introspect a database and have the table objects
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
engine = create_engine('<sua url>')
insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
print (insp.get_table_names())
(code of: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/reflection.html)
A skeleton of how to generate Python code from introspection would be
from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
engine = create_engine('<sua url>')
def create_schema_source():
result = """\from app import db\n\n"""
meta = MetaData()
for table_name in engine.table_names():
table_text = """class {}(db.Model):\n""".format(table_name.title().replace("_",""))
table = Table(table_name, m, autoload_with=engine)
for column in table.columns:
col_text = """ {name} = db.Column(db.{type}(), {{extras}})\n""".format(
extras = ""
# neste ponto inspecionar os atributos de column em que estiver interessado
# e montar a string extras com alguns 'if' -
# ex.: ( column.foreign_keys, column.primary_key)
table_text += col_text.format(extras=extras)
result += table_text + "\n\n"
return result
The above skeleton works, as I do not need at the moment, I just did not lengthen in detailing what enters the 'extras" string that are all other parameters that are used to build a column - the data is available in the object of type "column' - I suggest you use the interactive Python terminal, get a column object of these, see the available attributes with dir
and use them to complete the above function.