Good morning folks. I need a function to calculate a trend line. I have a query (part of the function):
select round(sum(nvl(vl_indice, vl_meta))/12, 2) from (
SUM (vl_indice) vl_indice, SUM (vl_meta) vl_meta
(SELECT cd_mes, vl_indice, NULL vl_meta, dt.id_tempo,
fi.id_multi_empresa, fi.id_setor, fi.id_indice
FROM dbadw.fa_indice fi , dbadw.di_tempo dt ,
dbadw.di_multi_empresa dme , dbaportal.organizacao o ,
dbadw.di_indice di
WHERE fi.id_tempo = dt.id_tempo
AND fi.id_multi_empresa = dme.id_multi_empresa
AND dme.cd_multi_empresa = NVL(o.cd_multi_empresa_mv2000, o.cd_organizacao)
AND o.cd_organizacao = PCD_ORG
AND fi.id_setor IS NULL
AND fi.id_indice = di.id_indice
AND di.cd_indice = PCD_IVM
SELECT cd_mes, NULL vl_indice, vl_meta, dt.id_tempo,
fm.id_multi_empresa, fm.id_setor, fm.id_indice
FROM dbadw.fa_meta_indice fm , dbadw.di_tempo dt ,
dbadw.di_multi_empresa dme , dbaportal.organizacao o ,
dbadw.di_indice di
WHERE fm.id_tempo = dt.id_tempo
AND fm.id_multi_empresa = dme.id_multi_empresa
AND dme.cd_multi_empresa = NVL(o.cd_multi_empresa_mv2000, o.cd_organizacao)
AND o.cd_organizacao = PCD_ORG
AND fm.id_setor IS NULL
AND fm.id_indice = di.id_indice
AND di.cd_indice = PCD_IVM
GROUP BY cd_mes, id_tempo, id_multi_empresa, id_setor, id_indice
ORDER BY cd_mes);
Where I tried to calculate the trend line in the first row of select, but it is not correct. Please, someone can help me?
What you want is called "linear regression" and it’s just a matter of doing some math. I believe that the SQL code posted above is not necessary/relevant to the query (but the question itself is good).
– Oralista de Sistemas
@Renan Next, the above query is a part of the function that I have created, it will search in the database the values of the indices and the periods in which you want to check the trend line as well as other data such as which organization, company, sector etc belong.. then it really is necessary. I have been searching and found the "regr_slope" that I am trying to find out if it is suitable for this case. Thanks for the input.
– Eduardo Andrade
The function will be held on top of a mass of data that your code returns. That way, to be able to help, we need to know at most the format of the data, and not the logic that was used to obtain them. Take a look at other questions related to linear regression in the OS, such as this, this and this ;)
– Oralista de Sistemas
Or, TL;DR: only select columns really matter for the problem.
– Oralista de Sistemas
Renan, in case the data will be dynamic and not a mass of data, can I use this function? .. each month a value is entered (vl_index) I will have to calculate a new trend.
– Eduardo Andrade
Columns change?
– Oralista de Sistemas
Has these functions http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e41084/functions151.htm#SQLRF00696 , just need to remember (or see) how to mount the RL
– Motta
SEE TB https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/datamine.111/b28129/regress.htm
– Motta
My query is returning the following data: CD_MES VL_INDICE ID_MULTI_EMPRESA 200902 1068 1 200903 1288 1 ... 200912 1119 1
– Eduardo Andrade
I was trying to use the REGR_SLOPE function but unsuccessfully.
– Eduardo Andrade
@Renan Consegui .. SELECT value, mes, ((mes * SLOPE) + INTERCEPT) TENDENCIA, SLOPE, INTERCEPT from( select value, mes, ROUND(REGR_SLOPE(value,mes) over (Partition by id_multi_company),4)SLOPE, ROUND(REGR_INTERCEPT(value,mes) over (PARTITION by id_multi_company),4) INTERCEPT from( ... I thank everyone who gave attention and could help.
– Eduardo Andrade
Post it there as an answer and earn points ;)
– Oralista de Sistemas