Tool for working in a group


Viewed 71 times


Guys we have a problem here in the office that is to use a file that the colleague is already using, and save and thus lose the file, anyone knows any solution? we use Brackets and Sublime text if it is a plugin helps a lot!

  • 5 years ago I was starting I didn’t really know how to express myself. Today I know what I needed at the time and it really didn’t exist. The functionality I needed was something similar to what we see today on Vscode Live Share

2 answers



Look, when I read your question, I found this situation strange. How do you say that you develop web as a team and do not understand a simple process like this ?

Even if you didn’t use a versioning control that would be ideal, at least understand that, you don’t edit files remotely if you need to keep the file open for long periods as is the case of development activities. If the remote machine gives you a problem you are not seeing what is happening. Imagine that the remote machine receives a power surge and restarts. You will not be able to save your work and even if this does not happen another person who opens the same file will conflict with yours. The minimum would be to copy the remote file to your machine and send it at the end of the edition at the cost of someone else having sent it before and being able to lose their file. How it ended up happening.

But that’s not right. The right thing for group development is to use a versioning control system like the Git tkmattos mentioned. I also recommend Git. It’s excellent. But there are more like CVS, Subversion, Mercury and others.

Versioning control systems work like this: you create a repository and each person sends 'modifications' to that repository. E.g.: initially you put index.htm, index.css and index.js. Then a developer includes a rule in index.css and sends it to the repository. Versioning control allows you to not only see the current version, but also to identify who did it, to see past versions of the entire project and much more.

Some have even more advanced functions like creating "branches". It works like this: you will develop a bug resolution. Then you create a separate branch of development while the rest of the team continues to work in the main branch. You will then have all the functions of history and versioning in a separate branch without confusing with the rest of the team. So when and if your version is all ok, you "merge" your branch into the main branch of development.

Git also allows the creation of local repositories, which then send their changes to a central repository, among many other functions that would be too long to describe in a response like this.

As you can see, this type of technology is essential for group development. You can use all these functions only in the command line. And it’s good that you know the command line well. But I recommend you use an IDE that allows you to fully integrate all these functions. The one I can recommend is the one I use: Eclipse. Few software is more complete than it. Maybe only VIM (but then it is also cowardice, VIM is not a software is an experiment :D).

It also has a plug-in which is a must for group development. Mylyn. It connects to a task repository and stores the history of the files that have been opened for each task performed. So, if you complete a task and then you or someone on your team need to redo something regarding this task you have all the files that were changed by those who performed the service in 1st place. Practical right ?

In addition to the excellent links that tkmattos passed that are already great for you learn Git I want to pass the one of a very cool game to learn git that I spent these days: demo

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