UML - Use Case Specification


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I have to specify a use case 'Register Company (CRUD)', which is used by 3 actors:

  • Employee (Who can only change the temperature registered in the company)
  • Attendant (Which is employee specialization, and which can register companies)
  • Liquidator (which is attendant specialization)

The question is: How to specify the different actions of the actors in the same use case? Diagrama de Casos de Uso

  • 1

    In this case, he’s really an actor - something like "the guy who registers companies". They are not different actors just because you plan that the operation can be performed by people of different roles in the organization.

  • Yes, but when specifying a basic flow I have to consider an actor, but what about the others who perform different operations, do I have to create another basic flow in the same specification as that use case? or what?

  • 1

    Although it has been about 15 years that I have not drawn a case of formal use, I do not remember seeing a use case with more than one actor. 1 use case, 1 use, 1 actor. As to what you has that create is relative. I particularly think you don’t have to create a use case hehehe depends on the function of this diagram; what are you going to use it for? Who will benefit from this and with what goal? If it’s just an exercise, I think you’ll have to ask who asked.

  • But at a certain point, he’s only one actor, but in different perspectives.. My teacher had said to use an alternate flow, but I don’t know how it would look. I will use this to carry out the current diagram design and other futures.

  • 2

    There are many cases of unnecessary uses there: "Login" is one of them, the use case must be full functionality, the login is just one step of some other use case relevant to the system. I believe that some of your questions can be answered in this post here:

  • Some Actors are confusing themselves with positions as well. I need to take a look at my material of this matter to refresh your memory and help you more, but see if the other link helps you for now and if it raises new questions.

  • If to perform each of these actions the actor has to log in, then his use case is not under correct specification. Login should be a include in all cases. In relation to the actors the use case stipulates the role of each actor within a scenario. Therefore, it can be to use several actors within the scenario, as long as they have some related case.How could it also create separate use cases, but in your example because it is a small model I do not see the slightest need.

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The best would be to create a basic use case that is included by the other use cases and create three use cases for each of the actors to be able to do their part (whether to identify themselves differently or show a different registration screen). It would make it easier to work cases later.

If you really want to do everything in a use case, it’s possible with the alternate flow, but then the actor is unique. The actor would be something like "User" and within the use case you fill in as if it were the happy path (which is the default actor?) and asking the user to identify himself as a liquidator, clerk or employee. Then, in the alternate streams, you show the sequences in the case of user responses identifying themselves as people different from the pattern.

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