Working with date and deadline checks


Viewed 81 times


I’m a logical problem in my application. Guys, here’s the thing, in the project module of my system there is a deadline for delivery of the project. I need to know the following.

If today’s day is 1 week (7 Days) before the deadline, mandoamarelo to status column(These colors have already been implemented only lack the logic rsrsr)

If today is 2 Weeks (14 Days) before the deadline, send Green to status column.

If blown I send red

so far I have only checked whether this burst or not with a basic logic variable $recebeData = Final date of the project variable $diaHoje --'

            $recebeData = date_converter($date);
            $diaHoje = date('Y-m-d');
            if(strtotime($recebeData) >= strtotime($diaHoje)){
                  jogo verde no status
        else {
               jogo vermelho no status

Help me to play yellow if you miss 7 days before deadline and green if you miss 14 days before!

3 answers


Well, assuming you get the date of a database and do this check in php, you can use the class Datetime->diff(). Even that has been dealt with here.

I tried to use the same variable names of your system, for better understanding.

$recebeData = new DateTime( '2016-05-08' );
$diaHoje = new DateTime();

$dias = $recebeData->diff( $diaHoje );

if (($dias->days) > 14) {
    echo '<div style="background: red; width: 200px; height: 200px"><div>';
}elseif (($dias->days) > 7) {
    echo '<div style="background: green; width: 200px; height: 200px"><div>';
    echo '<div style="background: yellow; width: 200px; height: 200px"><div>';

Explaining the code better, the variable $receive will receive the final date of the project.

The variable $diaHoje obviously receives the current date, and the $days calculate the running days. If you want to show the total days, you can display the $days->days object.

Then an if was done using the color parameter informed and an echo with a simple box exemplifying the colors.


Thank you so much for your help. But I solved the problem with the following logic

'; echo "TODAY: ". $today; echo ''; echo "EXPIRED: ". $bd_expired; echo ''; echo "5 DAYS: ". $bd_5days; echo ''; echo "8 DAYS: ". $bd_8days; echo '';

//put here one of the options: // $bd_expired // $bd_5dias // $bd_8dias $bd = $today;

if ($bd <= $today) { echo "defeated - red"; } Isis { if ($bd > ($today + 604800)) { echo "more than 7 days - green"; } Isis { echo "less than 7 days left - yellow;"; } }

?> worth to all


For performance reasons, have the database calculate the difference between dates. See mysql’s DATEDIFF() function Click here for example.

Assuming the return of dates is returned in the variable $time then check below and use the $status variable to pass a CSS class name.

So when you do html, include a class in the span tag. Ex: <span class="<?echo $status;?>"</span>

//Verifica se está entre 1 e 7 dias
if ($tempoConclusao > 0 && $tempoConclusao <= 7 ) {
                    $status = "corAmarelo";
//se o prozo é maior que 7 dias
elseif ($tempoConclusao > 7) {
      $status = "corVerde";
//tempo negativo, ou seja, já estourado
else {
      $status = "corVermelho";

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