Xamarin Visual Studio 2015


Viewed 127 times


I installed Visual Studio Community 2015 and Xamarin, but I am not able to emulate my applications, the following error occurs during the compilation:

1>:Deployment failed

1>Mono.AndroidTools.Adbexception: No such file or directory

1> at Mono.AndroidTools.Util.AggregateAsyncResult.Checkerror(Cancellationtoken token)

1> at Mono.AndroidTools.Adb.AdbSyncClient.Endpush(Iasyncresult result)

1> at System.Threading.Tasks.Taskfactory1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func2 endFunction, Action1 endAction, Task1 Promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)

1>Deployment failed because of an Internal error: No such file or directory


Someone’s been through the same trouble?

  • See https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/56680/deployment-failed-internal-error

  • Hello see the post adbexception if it helps you.

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