Query slows down with ORDER BY


Viewed 822 times


I have a problem, I have a query and when I use the ORDER BY she gets too slow.

Note: I created an Index for the premium field and another for the score

Follow the full query:

    p.id AS id_freelancer,
    p.nome AS nome_freelancer,
    p.qtde_projetos_concluidos AS qtde_projetos_concluidos,
    p.qtde_recomendacoes AS qtde_recomendacoes, 
    cp_habilidade.id AS id_habilidade,
    cp_habilidade.nome AS nome_habilidade,
    cp_area_de_interesse.id AS id_area_de_interesse,
    cp_sub_categoria.nome AS nome_sub_categoria
            DISTINCT cp_pessoa.id,
                SELECT count(cp_projeto.id) FROM cp_projeto 
                    WHERE cp_projeto.id_freelancer = cp_pessoa.id AND cp_projeto.id_status_projeto = 4
            ) AS qtde_projetos_concluidos,

                SELECT count(cp_feedback_trabalho.id) FROM cp_feedback_trabalho
                    WHERE cp_feedback_trabalho.id_pessoa_que_recebeu = cp_pessoa.id AND cp_feedback_trabalho.recomenda = 1
            ) AS qtde_recomendacoes
        FROM cp_pessoa
            JOIN cp_perfil ON (cp_perfil.id_pessoa = cp_pessoa.id)
            JOIN cp_freelancer ON (cp_freelancer.id = cp_pessoa.id)
            JOIN cp_usuario ON (cp_usuario.id_pessoa = cp_pessoa.id) 
            LEFT JOIN cp_habilidade_freelancer ON (cp_habilidade_freelancer.id_freelancer = cp_pessoa.id)
            LEFT JOIN cp_habilidade ON (cp_habilidade.id = cp_habilidade_freelancer.id_habilidade)
            LEFT JOIN cp_area_de_interesse ON (cp_area_de_interesse.id_freelancer = cp_pessoa.id)
            LEFT JOIN cp_sub_categoria ON (cp_sub_categoria.id = cp_area_de_interesse.id_sub_categoria)
            LEFT JOIN cp_categoria ON (cp_categoria.id = cp_sub_categoria.id_categoria)
        WHERE cp_pessoa.id_tipo_usuario = 2 
            AND CASE WHEN cp_pessoa.score < 100 THEN 1 
                     WHEN cp_pessoa.score < 500 THEN 2 
                     WHEN cp_pessoa.score >= 500 THEN 3 
                END IN (1,2,3)
            AND cp_perfil.tem_foto = 1
            AND (cp_categoria.id = 1
              OR cp_categoria.id = 2
              OR cp_categoria.id = 3
              OR cp_categoria.id = 4
              OR cp_categoria.id = 5)

        ORDER BY cp_freelancer.premium DESC, cp_pessoa.score DESC LIMIT 0, 10
    ) p
    LEFT JOIN cp_habilidade_freelancer ON (cp_habilidade_freelancer.id_freelancer = p.id)
    LEFT JOIN cp_habilidade ON (cp_habilidade.id = cp_habilidade_freelancer.id_habilidade)
    LEFT JOIN cp_area_de_interesse ON (cp_area_de_interesse.id_freelancer = p.id)
    LEFT JOIN cp_sub_categoria ON (cp_sub_categoria.id = cp_area_de_interesse.id_sub_categoria)

    ORDER BY p.premium DESC, p.score DESC
  • 1

    To optimize this query, I believe you need an index on both columns (a single index with both columns). That’s what you did?

  • I think you’re making one joinbetween two tables: p and f. Correct? Show the select complete

  • In my opinion, without looking at the tables and consequently the rest of this SQL is almost impossible to know, because, your query is slow with Order By, all will be supposition of this and that ...

  • Guys, I’ve updated the query. but check it out? Thank you very much. @Fullvio ramaral bfavaretto

  • @user4919 send the tables ??? and something else: With this SQL which is the purpose ???

  • @Fulvius, what tables do you need? It is used to list users (freelancers), the internal query is used to select the 10 based on the filters and the external one is used to bring the skills and areas of interest.

  • @user4919 all tables involved ...

  • I got you guys settled here, by the way

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1 answer


Create an index in order DESC for both columns at the same time and exactly in this order: f.premium DESC and p.score DESC

Another suggestion, because they are different tables is to concatenate the two in the query and make a Order BY that concatenation...

  • Rogerio, how would this concatenation?

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