Logic to make collection of books and movies using external data?


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I was thinking of making a site that shows information from movies and books, for that I intend to take data from Aces like TMDB and Openlibrary.

My idea is to join them in collections, for example the Harry Potter collection will contain all the original books and films from the franchise.

The site would automatically update the data at predetermined periods.

Does anyone have any idea how I could relate this data and assemble the collections, how I can know which films and books belong to the same franchise, has any logic that allows this process to be automatic?

Thanks in advance!

  • TMDB has an API - https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api and the Open Library also - https://openlibrary.org/developers/api. They will help you with this. Know what an API is ?

  • Yes, I know, my idea is to take the data of these two Pis. My problem is not data capture, it is more a logic problem anyway. I wanted to see if there is any way that the site can automatically join these collections. I will edit the question to be more specific.

  • Okay. I didn’t even know there was an API. But when someone asks you something like that, that’s the first thing I get. Rsrs I haven’t even seen what these API’s offer.

  • From the quick read I’ve given you now, I don’t think you have any specific data. But nothing a word search won’t solve.

  • My fear is that a name search has great chances of getting incorrect, if I search Harry Potter for example, there are several unofficial books with this title.

  • @katerinaptrv Everything depends on what the api returns. If a book from Harry returns for example a category "Harry", and searching for movies returns a category "Harry", you can relate directly, but if you do not return any data of this type between books and movies, you will have to come up with the logic of comparison.

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It has nothing to do; you have to compare the data yourself. And, to avoid error, you will have to do an al (will not be easy). If it is a site that has users, you can depend on them to maintain a correct relationship by allowing them to select correct matches. With this, you can feed data to the MI so that it checks for errors in users' correspondence.

Example: if there are any books referencing Harry Potter but not related to the movies, you can depend on the users. Also, the API of both services ensure access to comments and other data. They may feed the MI as well - comments have a lot of differentiation to various data.

Easy way I couldn’t find. I couldn’t find anything on Google from any library/lib ready for it. It was shallow search but I really couldn’t find.

Edited: it may be interesting to sweep the Wikipedia to observe the relationship between books and films. Not as a guaranteed source but as a source to power AI and let her decide.

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