angular-scroll-Immature does not work when scrolling the screen


Viewed 362 times


Guys I’m developing a mobile application using angular, and I’m trying to put together a timeline like this: documentation here:

the problem is that the angular-scroll-Animate directive is not firing when there is page rolling, and I have no idea what it might be, following my code:


angular.module('timeline', [
.controller("TimeLineController", [
    function ($scope) {
        $ = [
                badgeClass: 'warning',
                badgeIconClass: 'ion-information',
                title: 'titulo',
                content: 'conteúdo'
                badgeClass: 'danger',
                badgeIconClass: 'ion-heart',
                title: 'titulo',
                content: 'conteúdo'
                badgeClass: 'primary',
                badgeIconClass: 'ion-android-calendar',
                title: 'titulo',
                content: 'conteúdo'

        $scope.animateElementIn = function ($el) {
            $el.addClass('animated fadeInRight '); // this example leverages animate.css classes

        $scope.animateElementOut = function ($el) {
            $el.removeClass('animated fadeOutRight '); // this example leverages animate.css classes


    .hidden { visibility: hidden; }


<ion-view view-title="Linha do Tempo">
        <timeline-event ng-repeat="(key,event) in events" side="">
            <div when-visible="animateElementIn" when-not-visible="animateElementOut" delay-percent="0.50" class="hidden">
                <timeline-badge class="{{event.badgeClass}}">
                    <i class="glyphicon {{event.badgeIconClass}}"></i>
                <timeline-panel class="{{event.badgeClass}}">
                        <h4>{{key+1}}º - {{event.title}}</h4>
                    <p>{{key+1}}º - {{event.content}}</p>

Sorry if I didn’t follow some rule with the question I’m starting now Thanks for your help !

  • Don’t have any errors? You are loading the file correctly?

  • not Celson, I am not shown any error, and yes all files were loaded correctly (all tested individually)

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