How to make the content appear in the DOM only after clicking - Angularjs


Viewed 447 times


Hello, I am beginner with Angularjs.

To insert and delete new fields this is all ok, see fiddle:

It happens that I need that when loading the page there is not all the content that has inside the div Jumbotron in the DOM

<div class="jumbotron">
      <button style="float:right " type="button" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="removerIcms(icms)">x</button>
      <label for="ex2">Regime</label>
      <select class="form-control" ng-model="icms.regime" ng-options="r.regime for r in data">
        <option value="">Selecione o Regime</option>
      <label for="ex2" ng-show="icms.regime">Situação Tributária
        <select class="form-control" ng-show="icms.regime" ng-model="icms.situacao" ng-options="s.situacao for s in icms.regime.SituacaoTributaria">
          <option value="">Selecione a Situação Tributária</option>
      <label for="ex2" ng-show="icms.regime">Origem
        <select class="form-control" ng-model="icms.Origem" ng-options="o.Origem for o in icms.regime.Origens">
          <option value="">Selecione a Origem do Produto</option>

How do I insert the content just after clicking? This is already working, but I need that when loading the screen have only the include button and is not ever loaded the content of the div Jumbotron.

3 answers


You could do this in a lot of ways. I believe the simplest would be the way @Johnny Gabriel quoted it: create a control variable and change it.

In your Jsfiddle code, you can see that you have added an element within the initial vector $scope.ICMSs = [{}];

So that there is no element, you can leave this vector empty.
$scope.ICMSs = [];

So there will only be the include button.

  • +1 For the good answer, my answer is a more greedy alternative, kkkk.

  • hahaha an evil that is enough for everyone. Thanks for the feedback

  • 1

    @Gabrielcâmara, perfect, thank you very much

  • Dispose! Glad you helped! D


A simple way to do this is by removing the first one, using its removal method within a method init() inside your controller:

 $scope.init = function(el) {

Here the working example.

Another way would be to create in your object another parameter called status. And bring only those with the status true. in the ng-if="icms.status == true", and in the ng-click button action you would call a sequential action, changing the status of the list elements of your array / object.

  • Ivan, could you ask me a question? The directive ngIf removes the DOM element, correct? If the variable value is changed to true, the element is added dynamically in the DOM again?

  • 1

    @Gabrielcâmara, exactly and I found this amazing, since it can have content in html facilitating programming and only appear in DOM when requested

  • Thank you very much for the clarification, @Gih

  • It does not remove from the gift exactly, it will just not appear within the condition, which in case is your loop, ng-if is a condition that will make the value check, as per the parameter of your collection and the equality, difference, higher, lower, true, false, etc. Depending on the condition you place.


Use a combination of ng-show/Hide with a control variable that changes value after clicking.

  • 2

    Friend, there is an example code missing. For it to be a good answer, it is valid that there is demonstration of how to do it.

  • Thank you for answering @Johnnygabriel, in the case Hide only hidden visually but still in DOM (console), ng-if may be solution, but in my case the only way was to follow the tip of Gabriel Câmara

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