Problems formatting the date type returned from select


Viewed 103 times


Good morning I would like you to help me with a small problem that I am trying to return from a select in php. I would like the return of my "Mes_ref" from my select to be only month and year without the day and the year to be reduced. example this and my current return [{"Mes_Ref":"2016-04-01"}] and I wish the return was this [{"Mes_Ref":"04/16"}]. or [{"Mes_Ref":"04-16"}] whatever. follows my code below


mysql_select_db('aaaa') or die (mysql_error());

$Cod_Empresa = $_GET['aaaa'];
$aa = $_GET['aaa'];
$aa = $_GET['aaa'];
$aa = $_GET['aaaa'];
$tensao  = strtoupper($_GET['aa']);

if (($di != "") && ($df != ""))
        $periodo = '
        && D.Mes_Ref >= "'.$aa.'"
        && D.Mes_Ref <= "'.$aa.'"
            Order By Mes_Ref DESC
        $periodo = '
            Order By Mes_Ref DESC
            Limit 0,12
        case 'BT':
            $tensao_ = "";
        case 'AT':
            $tensao_ = "
                && D.Tip_Fatur = 0
                && D.Classe in ('A1','A2','A3','A3a')
        case 'MT':
            $tensao_ = "
                && D.Tip_Fatur = 0
                && D.Classe in ('A4','As')
        case 'ML':
            $tensao_ = "
                && D.Tip_Fatur = 1

    case 'BT':
            $sql = "Select Mes_Ref,
                        round(KW_P_Reg,0) as KWP ,
                        round (KW_FP_Ind_Reg,0) as KWPFP 
                From Tab_Fatura_BT D
                WHERE Cod_Empresa = ".$Cod_Empresa."
                && Cod_UC = ".$aa."
                $sql = "SELECT D.Mes_Ref,
                            round(D.Contr_KW_P,0) as Contr_KW_P , 
                            round(D.Contr_KW_FP,0) as Contr_KW_FP,
                            round(L.KW_P_res + L.KW_P_per,0)as KWP , 
                            round((L.KW_FP_res + L.KW_FP_per),0)as KWPFP 
                    FROM Tab_Fatura_Dados D, Tab_Fatura_Leituras L
                WHERE D.Cod_Empresa = ".$Cod_Empresa."
                && D.Cod_UC = ".$aa."
                && L.Cod_Empresa = D.Cod_Empresa
                && L.Cod_UC = D.Cod_UC
                && L.Cod_Fatura = D.Cod_Fatura

    $query = mysql_query( $sql ) or die('Could not query');                             

    for($rows = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_object($query); $rows[] = $row);
                echo json_encode($rows);    


the figure below shows the return of select inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

See that he printed for me the last 12 months of the user and I would like it to continue as I said at the beginning in place of [{"Mes_ref":"2016-04-01"}] and I would like the return to be this [{"Mes_ref":"04/16"}]. or [{"Mes_ref":"04-16"}] whatever.
Note; I used the date.formate and it generated error in the return instead of showing the last months it displayed so: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

notice that the values are not equal pq somehow the date.formate returned me only month "12" of each year which for me does not serve Somebody might be able to help me. thanks

  • 1

    It is better to put text than images

  • Hello, in the database which is the type of column Mes_ref?

  • I believe it’s date type. I don’t have access to the database, I’m new to the company, who has this access and the other programmer

  • and @Wallacemaxters I put all my programming there and the result is all there..

  • Someone can tell me why date.format is returning month "12" each year... instead of returning me the last 12 months as it should.

  • Staff just change the nickname of Mes_ref to qq other in my case changed to Date that worked... somehow using the same name gave error I just do not know explain pq

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4 answers


staff managed to arrange as I wanted just do as follows

$sql = "SELECT REPLACE(date_format(D.Mes_ref,'%m-%y') , '-', '/' ) as Date,

This way of doing receives the example D.Mes_ref (19/05/2016) from the bank and modifies to (05/2016) or just stays with month and year. thank you guys


try using the mysql date format function

select date_format(D.Mes_Ref,'%m/%Y')
  • I won’t deny, but formatting data from the database is bad practice.

  • the problem and that it returns me a json_encode for the android application and la and more dficil format the data

  • someone can tell me why the date.format is returning the month "12" each year... instead of returning the last 12 months as it should

  • @Thiagolunardi Because it’s bad practice?

  • @Wallacemaxters, as it is not the responsibility of the database to format data, this is the responsibility of the application. Database should be used only, and only, to persist and recover data in the fastest way possible. And format data, consumes feature with actions other than database function.

  • @Tiago, just format on the application side - backend - and not in the database.

  • Staff just change the nickname of Mes_ref to qq other in my case changed to Date that worked... somehow using the same name gave error only do not know explain pq -

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You can’t use the same name D.Mes_Ref with the surname :

$sql = "SELECT REPLACE(date_format(D.Mes_Ref,'%m-%y') , '-', '/' ) Mes_Ref,

Change the nickname to any other


You can use the date function to store the formatted date before returning json_encode.


$retorno = [];

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query));
          $row['Mes_Ref'] = date('m/Y',strtotime($row['Mes_Ref']));
          $retorno = $row;


 return json_encode($retorno);
  • can’t do this pq when echo to display I need to return in json_encode format pq this information goes to android app

  • @Tiago, you can use the date function to store the date formatted in the array’s Dice before returning json_encode. Ex: $Row['Mes_ref'] = date(’m/Y',strtotime($Row['Mes_ref']));

  • Sorry I didn’t mean right where I would put this example of you in my code

  • hasn’t worked out yet

  • someone can tell me why the date.format is returning the month "12" each year... instead of returning the last 12 months as it should

  • I already got Personal just change the nickname of Mes_ref to qq other in my case changed to Date that worked... somehow using the same name gave error only do not know explain pq -

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