Finish process by . bat whenever it is started


Viewed 1,402 times


Good morning! Every time I start the computer beautiful process GWX.exe (the famous process Install the Win10) is executed, it is necessary to go to the Task Manager and finish it.

So I created a . bat with the following command line:

@echo off

But we still have to wait for the process GWX.exe be started and then start . bat to finish the process.

My doubt is, is there some command via DOS (even if it is a .bat calling another .bat) that is something like:

se processo GWX.exe estiver sendo executado então execute .bat

I await return, thank you from now on!

1 answer


Vc can Create a . bat command that loops until GWX.exe is closed as

echo off

title Fecha o Arquivo GWX.exe a cada 10 seg

goto main


eche Aguardando 10 Seg Para Fechar o Programa...

choice -c r -t 10 -d r >nul

taskkill -f -im GWX.exe


goto main

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