JSF - how to send information to another page


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I have a orderList for the operator to select the customer’s name. After he selects I need to direct him to another page with the customer’s data. How do I pass on customer information that has been selected to another xhtml page? What is the reasoning for doing this?

  • The rationale is: the page that should show the client data expects a parameter with the client ID, and the page where the client is selected (its orderList) renders, for each client, a link to the detail page, passing the client ID on this link. Caught?

1 answer


You can use the Parameters:


<p:commandButton title="EDITAR" action="/pagina?faces-redirect=true">
    <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{flash.objeto}"
    value="#{listItem}" />

No Managedbean (Objeto)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash().get("objeto")

This way the id will not be passed via url, so if your client reloads the page it turns without the data.

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