Description of the problem I need to solve: "A level walk on a tree, first list the root, then all nodes that are at level 1 then all nodes of level 2, etc. Write a procedure to list the nodes of a binary tree by level."
Since it is necessary to go through a binary tree, I used recursiveness in the writing of the method, but I cannot get the expected result. Follow the method I wrote:
public void imprimeNivel(No no) {
if(no != null) {
if(no == raiz) {
if(no.getFilhoDireita() == null && no.getFilhoEsquerda() == null) {
} else if(no.getFilhoDireita() == null) {
System.out.printf("%d ", no.getFilhoEsquerda().getConteudo());
} else if(no.getFilhoEsquerda() == null) {
System.out.printf("%d ", no.getFilhoDireita().getConteudo());
} else {
System.out.printf("%d ", no.getFilhoEsquerda().getConteudo());
System.out.printf("%d ", no.getFilhoDireita().getConteudo());
Could someone give me an idea of how to solve this problem?