Sort Secondary Table Column


Viewed 97 times


Categoria       Segmento

1               Atendimento
1               Tempo de espera pela peça
1               Preço

2               Atendimento
2               Negociação
2               Tempo de entrega do veículo

3               Atendimento
3               Preço
3               Serviço

I have a table where I save some data in that order above. If it is category 1, save those segments in that order.

I am showing this data on another page, but the data is not coming in the same order it is saved in the table. Follow the SELECT.

    round(avg(dealer_rating_categories.rating)) as media 
inner join 
    `dealer_rating_categories` on `dealer_rating_categories`.`id_avaliacao` = `dealer_ratings`.`id` 
inner join 
    `categories` on `categories`.`id` = `dealer_rating_categories`.`id_categoria` 
    `dealer_ratings`.`deleted_at` is null 
    `dealer_ratings`.`id_concessionaria` = 1 
    `dealer_ratings`.`id_concessionaria` is not null 
    `dealer_rating_categories`.`id_categoria` in (1, 2, 3) 
group by 
    `dealer_rating_categories`.`id_categoria`, `segmento` 
order by 


Categoria               Segmento

Compra de Veículo       Atendimento
Compra de Veículo       Negociação
Compra de Veículo       Tempo de entrega do veículo

Serviço                 Preço
Serviço                 Serviço
Serviço                 Atendimento

Peças                   Preço
Peças                   Atendimento
Peças                   Tempo de espera pela peça

The only one that is correct is the Vehicle Purchase category which is ID 2. The others, the segment comes out of order.

Just detailing:

I don’t have the segments registered separately in another linking table with the category table. I manually enter the code. Otherwise, I’d create a column ORDEM in this table and add a ORDER BY ORDEM in the SELECT and solve the problem.

But since that’s not the case, what can I do ?

  • You can reduce server performance and sort by string/varchar. I say, ORDER BY "categories"."ordem", segmento

  • I will test, but I cannot sort by segment because they are not in alphabetical order. It is in insertion order.

  • I just tested and it’s already that way, because I’m using the Laravel.

  • This doesn’t make sense... even if bad practice sort by text, it should work this order by in 2 fields, in the form I made clear: first by ID/Order, then by text

  • Yes, it does work. But when ordering through the first field, mix the second instead of showing by the insertion order, as it is in the first one in my question.

  • Oh right, I was wrong, pardon me. I now understand, you want to return in the same historical order that you entered. Because of how paging and search indexing works, I think it will never return in the same order you entered, I mean, not 100%. Without an auxiliary field there is no good solution for this... Maybe make a select for each id resolve... I’m not sure.

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