Problem using cakephp 2.6 - Undefined index


Viewed 131 times


Good morning friends, I am learning to program on cake recently and I am having some difficulties.

Follow models and controllers.

Recibo.php (Model)

class Recibo extends AppModel{
    public $name = 'Recibo';
    public $belongsTo = array('Loja');  
    public $nomeloja = 'nome';
    public $nomefuncionario = 'nome';

Loja.php (model)

class Loja extends AppModel {
        public $name = 'Loja';
        public $hasOne = array('Recibos');      
        public $nomeloja = 'nome';
        public $displayField = 'nome';


class RecibosController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array ('Html','Form');
public $name = 'Recibos';
public $components = array('Session');
public $uses = array('Recibos', 'Loja','Funcionario');  

        public function index()
            $lojas = $this->Loja->find('all');
            $this->set('recibos', $this->Recibos->find('all'));             

Field where I display the receipt and would like to display the name of the store in front.

echo $recibo['Recibos']['loja_id'] . '&nbsp-&nbsp' .  $recibo['Loja']['nome']; 

What am I missing?

Because, when I click on "Notice" in the error I verify that the name and id of the store goes in the variable $loja and not in the variable $recibos (which is the one I’m listing)

Thanks in advance for the help.


1 answer


Let’s see some points:

  • Every reference to his model should be done in the singular by cakephp convention. Some places you should fix:

In the model Loja:

public $hasOne = array('Recibo');

In the variable $uses:

public $uses = array('Recibo', 'Loja', 'Funcionario');

And to carry out the consultation:

$this->set('recibos', $this->Recibo->find('all'));

  • All controller already carries its model primary, in the case of its RecibosController, the model Recibo is already loaded, so it is not necessary to include it in the variable $uses or use the method loadModel(). See here the reference in the documentation.

  • I don’t quite understand what you want to do in your view, would need a larger context. But if your intention is to list receipts and so display id and nome of the store, the idea is just this, since you have a 1:1 relationship between store and receipt. If this is the case, it is also the same issue of single use.


foreach ($recibos as $recibo) {
    echo $recibo['Recibo']['loja_id'] . ' - ' .  $recibo['Loja']['nome'];
  • Cool my namesake Paulo. That’s right. I’m just starting out in cakephp, this is my second project. Thanks for your help.

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