Update all open tabs in the brownser of an aspnet application mcv c#


Viewed 112 times



I am developing an application and wanted when a user login or login to update all tabs that the application has opened in the browser.


User João is logged in to the tab 1. User Maria duplicates the tab and Logoff and then login to the tab 2.

So I wanted to somehow update these two tabs or log on to tab 1.

In my application this causes problems because the screen gets the login field written John and in truth the data in session are like Maria.

I have tried to buy the Sessionid of each session but each request is created a new Sessionid.

Gmail does what I want:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Thanks in advance.

  • 6

    Can you explain your problem in more detail? You can improve your question by clicking [Dit].

  • tried to improve hehe

  • Friend, one of the ways I thought here is to update a panel and check every x minutes if the logged-in user is the same... otherwise give a refresh on the page... but it’s a bad idea

  • So it would erase the screen data when the user was filling in.

  • What you’re using for authentication, Identity?

  • Hi, I’m Joining Membership. .

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