Floating Panel


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The main screen of the registration of our system is quite extensive, therefore the user needs several Scrolls to reach the last line of registration.

I put at the end of the layout the save, cancel and other buttons, in fact, is a horizontal scroll where it has access to various other options.

This way the user needs to navigate to the bottom of the screen to click the buttons.

If I put it on the top and he had to fill in the last line, he’d have to go back to the top.

Since not all fields are required I don’t know when it will be ready to record or cancel.

I thought the solution would be a floating panel with this taskbar that was visible all the time, being it anywhere on the main screen.

Another option would be to put a menu. That way he could access it whenever he wanted. I like the floating bar for challenge and because it looks more attractive, but...

Someone has an idea or link to put me on the right track.

  • Maybe I don’t quite understand, why don’t you leave those buttons off the scroll so that they are fixed to the underside of the screen?

  • @ramaral I put on the top of the Scroll the logo of the Company and the Bottom Part rights information. And I use the middle part to insert either fragment according to the screen the user is on. I tried this to put in the fragment of the main screen the scroll part and the fixed part, but it was too complicated and I thought I was going the wrong way.

  • @Reginaldorigo You want something similar to the top bar of Facebook just with the "Save" button at the bottom?

  • @Pabloalmeida Not only with the Save button. Because he may need another action. In the current "toolbar" I have 6 buttons. But yes, it would be something like that top bar of Face.

  • @Reginaldorigo Six? That’s a lot of stuff. It’s probably not a good idea to put this on one bar. I suggest going back to the idea of leaving in the top bar, because you can hide or show more options according to the screen size/ orientation, taking full advantage of the available space.

  • Another suggestion would be to work with a Action Overflow in your Appbar or Toolbar with all these options. I think that even if it is a fixed bar outside the scroll, it is very bad to put so much information there together, and being next to Navigation Bar, maybe the user unintentionally click on a button and exit the screen.

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An interesting output is the Floatingactionbutton which is very simple to implement http://developer.android.com/intl/pt-br/reference/android/support/design/widget/FloatingActionButton.html

    android:src="@android:drawable/ic_media_play" />

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If it is several buttons you can use the https://github.com/Clans/FloatingActionButton can be a very interesting option

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