Error using JSF Exporter lapis


Viewed 60 times


I’m trying to implement the Lapis JSF Exporter I use Primefaces 5.3

jsf version 2.1.20 error occurs and the project does not go up...

Apr 26, 2016 5:29:21 PM org.apache.Catalina.loader.Webappclassloaderbase checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks GRAVE: The web application [] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [javax.faces.context.FacesContext$1] (value [javax.faces.context.FacesContext$1@1e0429c3]) and a value of type [org.apache.myfaces.context.servlet.StartupFacesContextImpl] (value [org.apache.myfaces.context.Servlet.Startupfacescontextimpl@2351d09a]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to Try and avoid a probable memory Leak.

Already in jsf version 2.1.28 the project goes up and when using Lapis JSF Exporter error occurs:



  • After checks, , I identified that in my pom.xml file I was using the "api and impl" dependencies of myfaces along with the "api and impl" of JSF , conflicts occur, after removing the worked jsf dependencies.

  • If you found the solution, you can answer below as you did to solve the problem.

  • right I appreciate the tip... I’ll reply and finish,...

  • Alison, Sotp is not a forum, the operation here is different. The mark as solved here is represented by v in response, which means accepted answer. Take a look at [tour] to see how the site works.

  • 1

    yes, I checked the tour... ... I already answered and after 1hr I will accept the answer... :) vlw

1 answer


After checks, I identified that in my pom.xml file was using the "api and impl" dependencies of myfaces along with the "api and impl" of JSF conflicts occurs, after removing the worked jsf dependencies.

EX: from the POM archive







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