Fabricio, you will need to configure the session variables, try this, create a LOGIN controller.
public function entrar(){
$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|valid_email|trim');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('senha', 'Senha', 'required|trim');
if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE){
$formData = $this->input->post();
$user = new Usuario;
if( $user->_check($formData['email'], $formData['senha']) == FALSE ) {
$this->session->set_flashdata("msg",'<p>Usuário / Senha não conferem</p>');
} else {
$this->session->set_userdata("logado", TRUE);
$this->session->set_userdata("userID", $user->getId());
$this->load->view("login/v_header", array('pageTitle'=>'Entrar no Sistema | miPague', 'title'=>'Entrar no sistema'));
In my case I created a library to take care of the user, but it can be a model too, is by your choice. My library has the _check function which has the following structure:
public function _check($email, $senha){
$CI =& get_instance();
$user_mail = $CI->m_clientes->buscar_email($email);
$user_pass = $CI->m_login->check_user($user_mail->id);
$q = $CI->safe->valid_crypt($senha, $user_pass->senha);
if($q == FALSE){
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
} else {
return FALSE;
Note that this function loads a command called $CI =& get_instance();
this allows me to load another library/model into it directly using only the command $CI->load->model('nome_model');
The safe library takes care of encrypting the user’s password and validating whether the password sent by the user matches the cryptographic. I will not post my encryption routine because it has features that I do not wish to expose.
Anyway, back to the Login Controller, there is a if
right after the command: $user = new Usuário;
This if does the following, IF the password and the user do not exist, generates an error in the session using the $this->session->set_flashdata("var","mensagem aqui dentro")
If the user exists and the password is valid, arrow the variable "logado"
and user id in session variable "userID"
Then to check if there is a user in the session ( userid ) just use one of the following commands:
// Ou usar
Now just use basic PHP commands like Empty or exists to show/hide what you want on the system, or even redirect.
I will leave a link to a nice and complete tutorial from where I learned to make the system:
Codeigniter Tips - Login Screen with Bootstrap and CI
You can use session to do this. If the user tries to access a page in an admin controller, in __contruct of that control will have the admin session check, if the session is not valid, redirect it to login.
– Duque
Could you explain it to me in more detail? Mine looks like this: public Function __Construct() { Parent::__Construct(); if(!$this->Session->userdata('logged in')) { redirect('account/log in'); } } I don’t have much experience. I’m starting to learn.
– fabricio_wm
That’s exactly it, except this session belongs to the user. Just create an equal for the admin, but remember to change the name of the admin session, example: admin_logged in, this will be to your liking.
– Duque
It would be something like: $this->Session->userdata('adm_logado'); I want to hide the menu and block the access of those who are not Adm. .
– fabricio_wm
How is the issue of login admin and user on the web page organized? Both use the same login page ?
– Duque
Be careful when blocking somnte admin pages using ifs in the menu, if I have knowledge of the URL and type it in the browser, I will surely be able to access the resource. To prevent this, you need to create an admin session and verify that the session is active in the __Construct() of the controller being accessed.
– Duque