Parameters Action Mailer with Bluehost Brazil


Viewed 67 times


Hello, I am trying to send notifications in my Rails application, in development mode. With GMAIL, everything ok, but I’m not able to use with the hosting I have at Bluehost Brasil. I have tried to change several parameters, currently it is like this:

 config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
    :address              => "",
    :port                 => 587,
    :user_name            => 'user@dominio',
    :password             => 'pass'

From now on, thank you for all your help!

  • Would not be I never used Bluehost br, but I think it’s the same thing of the gringo

  • I tried with MAIL; STMP; Domain only (according to knowledge base, in the case of my hosting, because it is windows). "For Windows Hosting - Plesk *** For POP/IMAP Account Type: POP/IMAP Email Inbox Server: o-your-domain-name (eg Email Outbound Server: o-your-domain-name (eg Input Server Port Number: 110 (if using POP) / 143 (if using IMAP) Output Server Port Number (SMTP): 587 *Please use Email Output Server Authentication


  • Yours is "For Windows Hosting - Plesk Emails" ?

  • Exactly dear friend. My hosting is windows.

  • I don’t know if you can help us, but in Gmail, I needed to change a configuration, allowing less secure apps to access the account.


  • If it’s windows do so: :address => "",

  • I haven’t tried it yet. I’ll take the test. Thank you very much.

  • Rectifying what I said in the comment above, I had already tried and tried again. It may be some restriction of hosting, as gmail blocks, if we don’t change the app access setting ?

  • Does the application have log? Take the log and put it here to see.

  • The log is enabled, but in the file there is no error related to sending the email. Only the line that sends the email. With GMAIL working, log lines are exactly the same.

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1 answer


According to the if you use

If your service is:

  • For Free Email Services / Email Hosting Plans

    • POP pop.o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 110
    • IMAP imap.o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 143
    • SMTP smtp.o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 587
  • For Linux Hosting - cPanel Emails

    • POP pop.o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 110
    • IMAP imap.o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 143
    • SMTP smtp.o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 587
  • For Windows Hosting - Plesk Emails

    • POP o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 110
    • IMAP o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 143
    • SMTP o-seu-nome-de-domínio (ex: port 587

In your case the hosting is Windows so it is probably Plesk Emails that uses.

Should stay like this:

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
    :address              => "",
    :port                 => 587,
    :user_name            => 'user@dominio',
    :password             => 'pass'
  • My Service: For Windows Hosting - Plesk Emails. Friend, I’ve tried it this way. I just pasted my last code with smtp , but I tried without SMTP. Even now. Thanks for the help. Please, if there’s anything else I can try or research put there. Thank you.

  • @user3033607 what error the application shows? Have any log on the server? Tried to configure on your computer, type by outlook?

  • Yes, it works perfectly on Thunderbird . On the machine with the developing application and on other machines. The log is enabled, but in the file there is no error related to sending the email. Only the line that sends the email. With GMAIL working, log lines are exactly the same.

  • But when you open the Ror application what exactly happens? @user3033607

  • Appears the notification that the email was sent, to check the inbox, I ask to resend and nothing. With Gmail, is instant. Bluehost support No response.

  • @user3033607 so the problem is not with the setup for sending, can it be with the application, tell me how this application? To what address are you trying to send

  • Good come on, this first notification contains the link to user password change. It is working normally, all functionalities. I am trying to send the notification to my personal email [email protected] .

  • But which sender is using?

  • a hosting box, [email protected] , which works on Thunderbird, Webmail and another application (PHP).

  • @user3033607 the sender [email protected] set is the same as SMTP user? Anything edits your question and adds the Ror code (controller, view, etc) you use to send the email. Something else checks the recipient’s SPAM box

  • Here we go: The controller and View used for sending, is from GEM Devise, which uses what is defined in the action Mailer ( logo: [email protected] + Password ). I believe it is no problem in the controller or view, otherwise I would not send to Gmail, But if you need me, yes. Spam checked at all times and address is not in spam; Again, thank you so much for the Help. Is 100x better than Bluehost Brazil’s own support.

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