Insert arrow in Submit input for when jsf render appears on button


Viewed 219 times


I made a whole layout in HTML5 and I have a "next" button where I have an arrow in it, but the developers are doing it in JSF and by rendering the commandButton becomes a input type submit and the arrow doesn’t appear anymore. Does anyone have any idea how I can make the arrow appear in the input submit?

Where the button is implemented:

<div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-2">
  <div class="bigButton blueButton buttons">
    <button class="fullFormWidth" onclick="location.href='proxima.html'">
      <div class="rightWhiteCarret"></div>

In that div which is the arrow, I made it modeling borders without inserting image.

<div class="rightWhiteCarret"></div>

1 answer


Ask them to insert their div inside the tag commandButton, it will look something like this:

<h:commandButton styleClass="fullFormWidth" onclick="location.href='proxima.html'">
    <div class="rightWhiteCarret"></div>
  • I can try that, but what I did was crack a separate div where the arrow is and I set it in css for display: relative and I moved around the edges so it was on top of the button in place.

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