I’m creating a 3d project, making a menu.
When I run the game at different resolutions always changes the menus.
I do everything in Free aspect
, my intention is that even in other resolutions the menu and its buttons remain equal.
I have done with gui.Skyn
, my measurements are based that way :
posiY = Screen.height/2 + (Screen.height/2-93);
posiX = Screen.width/2 -(Screen.width/18-20);
function OnGUI(){
GUI.skin.font = fonte;
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = Screen.height/10; if(colocarItem.exibeMenu){
GUI.skin = perSkin[1];
if (GUI.Button(Rect( posiX2 ,posiY2 ,Screen.width/12 -5 ,Screen.height/6),"")
Opa muito obrigado, the solution to this was really the Canvas, it facilitates the work, for those who have this problem I suggest that use the Canvas tbm.
– Diogo