I need to make a comparison with the total value of records that exist in the database, in a given table. I could get this value via PHP, and pass to Javascript, during page rendering, however, records can be added/deleted dynamically, and then the total records can be changed. In fact, what interests me is to make a comparison with the total values displayed (or that can be displayed in the case of pagination), because for the user, the table reflects the bank.
I don’t think it’s a good solution to create an Action in the controller, just to answer a request for this value, since "theoretically" I have it available.
The datatable configuration:
oLanguage: DT_PTBR,
dom: 'l<"toolbar-h"fT>rtip',
"ajax": {
"url": "/datatable-data",
As the loading is dynamic, the solution of counting table rows, does not work.
I researched for a solution, and found suggestions to get the value I want that way:
oTable.fnSettings(). fnRecordsTotal()
In this case, it gave no clues as to how the oTable
could be obtained. So I searched for a way to obtain this "object", and apparently it is obtained that way:
var oTable = $("#datagrid").DataTable({
But when using such an object, in the above solution, an error occurs ("fnSettings", not a function). I tried that way too:
But to no avail.