How to add values of a field grouped by date?


Viewed 18,687 times


SELECT funcionario_id, data, avaliacao_postura FROM equipe 
id  funcionario_id  data           avaliacao_postura            
1   1               2014-03-02     -25;-10;-5;-12           
2   1               2014-03-01     -25;-10;-18          
3   1               2014-03-02     -25;-15;-14  

I need to make a select that returns the sum of the field avaliacao_postura doing the sum on all equal and negative dates and the result grouped by date. The result would have to be like in this example:

funcionario_id  data           avaliacao_postura
1               2014-03-02     -106
1               2014-03-01     -53
  • It would be quite simple, were it not for the need to add values horizontally within avaliacao_postura, which is text and not numerical.

2 answers


I would change the design of this table. The way data is stored now you can’t bring any basic information regarding the reviews.

An example of a new structure:

                    date           smallint NOT NULL
id  funcionario_id  data           avaliacao_postura            
1   1               2014-03-02     -25
2   1               2014-03-02     -10   
3   1               2014-03-02     -5   
4   1               2014-03-02     -12             
5   1               2014-03-01     -25  
6   1               2014-03-01     -10  
7   1               2014-03-01     -18          
8   1               2014-03-02     -25
9   1               2014-03-02     -15
10  1               2014-03-02     -14

This way you get the expected result with a simple query.

SELECT funcionario_id, data, SUM(avaliacao_postura) as avaliacao_postura
FROM equipe
GROUP BY funcionario_id, data
  • 1

    This is the model I would have made from the beginning ...


Create a View in the same database of this table with this Script ( just run this snippet ):

Create View iterator (x) as
select 1 union all
select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5 union all
select 6;

Right after run this SQL:

SELECT funcionario_id, data, sum(avaliacao_postura) avaliacao_postura  from
        substring_index(equipe.avaliacao_postura,';',iter.x), ';', -1) 
        AS avaliacao_postura,, equipe.funcionario_id
from equipe, iterator iter
     where iter.x <= length(equipe.avaliacao_postura)-length(
        replace(equipe.avaliacao_postura,';',''))+1 order by, iter.x) AS C

It’s a reasonable way and it worked...

If I were you I would change the layout of your table to compose to each row an item of the evalua_posture, but, this routine will break item by item within the string separated by ; and relates to iterator view items.

  • 1

    Can you include an explanation? Your solution works, at least for this case, but the operation of the method you used is not obvious.

  • @bfavaretto, this solution was the basis of research, and really it works, I would not do so I would make a row for each data evaluation_posture, IE, change the layout of the table ...

  • 1

    I understand (I would also use another layout), but since you found a way that doesn’t even require a Mysql function call, it would be nice for the community if this method were explained in detail. It is always recommended to include explanations in the answers, and to take into account that your answer is not only to the person who asked the question, but rather a piece of content that may help many other future visitors to the site. I personally consider the explanation even more important than the code that solves the problem, because it is more generic.

  • 2

    Here is a demo of your solution:! 2/a97d6/1

  • thank you very much solved my problem, I thought it would be simpler more I saw that not.

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