Format right with header but not with include


Viewed 45 times



 header( 'Location:conteudo/agenda.php');  

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui    By clicking on the 14th inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

With include

 include 'conteudo/agenda.php';

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui
Nothing happens when you click

I intended to do with include

  • In the first example, you are redirecting the user to the informed Location, and in the second including something. These are totally different things. Can’t help without seeing the code, but I believe the problem is in front Assets files (CSS and/or JS) that could not be found in the second example. Give a CTRL+U, click on the Assets links and see if they are accessible.


  • Most likely your JS files are in conflict, the fact that it works with "header", is that it redirects to a totally new page, already in "include", you put basically one page inside the other, calls one in another. And in this your call, you must have some JS file, running on both, which causes you a conflict and it hangs.

  • Try to remove all the files called in agenda.php and call them on your main page only.

1 answer


I solved the problem by placing the content inside an iframe.

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