Media Queries for Java Script - What is the error in this syntax?


Viewed 205 times


This is the first time I try to apply a rule of media queries in java script and, as a beginner, I believe something in this syntax is wrong, since the only function that is working is the second (with Visible: 3) and in all viewports.

var mq = window.matchMedia('@media all and (max-width: 768px)');
if (mq.matches) {
        btnPrev: ".anterior"
        , btnNext: ".proximo"
        , visible: 1
        , auto: 2000
        , speed: 1000

} else {
        btnPrev: ".anterior"
        , btnNext: ".proximo"
        , visible: 3
        , auto: 2000
        , speed: 1000

  • Will, did you copy this from jCarousel’s documentation or do it yourself?

2 answers


  • Thank you so much, Tiago! Solved my problem!


I believe if you remove the @media all and will work.

var mq = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 768px)');
if (mq.matches) {

} else {
<script src=""></script>

Functional example in Jsfiddle.

Another option would be to use the .width() jQuery.

if ($(window).width() > 768) {

} else {
<script src=""></script>

Example in Jsfiddle.

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