UPDATE with different conditions in the same query


Viewed 1,085 times


How to update several records by setting different values, example:

$update = "UPDATE tabela SET ativo=1, nivel=2 WHERE nome ='jose'
                                              AND nome='maria'
                                              AND nome='joao'";

then I just want Jose to receive the level=2 and the rest receive level=1 in the same query. and active=1 for all.

I’m using PHP with PDO.

1 answer


Can use a IF()

   ativo = 1,
   nivel = IF( nome='jose', 2, 1 )
   nome IN ( 'jose', 'maria', 'joao' );

I find it interesting as knowledge, but in practice do not create this type of update with many conditions except in cases where the advantage is really evident.

  • Thanks, I didn’t know you could use IF inside the query. But I see no other option for my system, in this case it is a group registration of students where only the leader of the group receives level 2 at the time of registration

  • This IF is a function, equivalent to the ternary of other languages expressão ? valor se verdadeiro : valor se falso - in this case, if the first parameter is true, returns the second, otherwise returns the third.

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