What is the role and responsibility of HTML, CSS and Javascript technologies in creating the front end?


Viewed 640 times


With these three technologies HTML, CSS and Javascript can be developed all front-end or client-side of a particular website.

Therefore, I would like to know what is the role and responsibility that each of these technologies mentioned above plays in the creation of the front-end of a particular website and what are their differences in relation to each other?

1 answer



HTML - Configuration of elements

CSS - Style display of elements

JS - Element logic and dynamics

In a practical example, if I want to have a blue square that has a seconds count from 1 to 50. To do this, I would first name the square in HTML, then say it has the square shape and the blue color in CSS and would do the number counting logic in Javascript. Exemplifying, we have:

var meuQuadrado = document.getElementById("meu-quadrado");
var contagem = 0
var repeticao = setInterval(function(){ //loop da contagem
  if(contagem == 100){ //se a contagem chegar a 100
    clearInterval(repeticao); //pára a contagem
  meuQuadrado.innerHTML = contagem; //exibo a contagem dentro do quadrado
  contagem++;  //aumenta a contagem
/* CSS */
  color: white; /*cor da fonte */
  font-size: 170px; /* tamanho do texto */
  text-align: center; /* posição do texto */
  background-color: blue;  /* cor do fundo */
  width: 200px; /* largura */
  height: 200px; /* altura */
<!-- HTML -->
<div id="meu-quadrado"></div>

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