Validate CPF with Javascript Regular Expression


Viewed 12,937 times


Guys, I’m trying to validate CPF only with regular expressions.. I’ve already been able to validate the format... 000,000,000-10


Now, is there a way to validate if the CPF is valid in relation to the check digits?

If possible, how?


  • Do you want to check if the CPF is valid through regular expression? If so, it’s the first time I see someone wanting to do this. Usually the regular expression serves to remove masks. but give a look Nessa Link, may have what you seek.

  • Even making a simple arithmetic sum using regular expressions would be excruciatingly difficult, let alone validate the checker digit, which requires multiplication and division. I would guess that it is possible because it is a fixed number of digits, but it would be such a complex regular expression that it could only be generated by a computer, and would be nothing more than a curiosity. There are some tasks that are conceptually simple in regular expressions, such as determining whether a number is prime, but not at all efficient, only serve to prove certain theories regarding computation.

  • 3

    This is called golden Hammer.

2 answers


Cara has no way to validate CPF with regex because it has account involved, it is not only validate the mask.

Use this function or any other you find, but regex you will not get.

function validarCPF(inputCPF){
    var soma = 0;
    var resto;
    var inputCPF = document.getElementById('cpf').value;

    if(inputCPF == '00000000000') return false;
    for(i=1; i<=9; i++) soma = soma + parseInt(inputCPF.substring(i-1, i)) * (11 - i);
    resto = (soma * 10) % 11;

    if((resto == 10) || (resto == 11)) resto = 0;
    if(resto != parseInt(inputCPF.substring(9, 10))) return false;

    soma = 0;
    for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++) soma = soma + parseInt(inputCPF.substring(i-1, i))*(12-i);
    resto = (soma * 10) % 11;

    if((resto == 10) || (resto == 11)) resto = 0;
    if(resto != parseInt(inputCPF.substring(10, 11))) return false;
    return true;


I did a CPF and CNPJ validator with typescript

export class CpfCnpjUtils {
  static isCpfValid(cpf: string): boolean {
    const cpfLength = 11;
    const weights = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11];
    return this.isValid(cpf, cpfLength, weights);

  static isCnpjValid(cnpj: string): boolean {
    const cpfLength = 14;
    const weights = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    return this.isValid(cnpj, cpfLength, weights);

  static formatCpf(cpf: string): string {
    const correctDigitsLength = 11;
    const firstDotPosition = 2;
    const secondDotPosition = 5;
    const slashPosition = -1;
    const dashPosition = 8;
    return this.format(cpf, correctDigitsLength, firstDotPosition, secondDotPosition, slashPosition, dashPosition);

  static formatCnpj(cnpj: string): string {
    const correctDigitsLength = 14;
    const firstDotPosition = 1;
    const secondDotPosition = 4;
    const slashPosition = 7;
    const dashPosition = 11;
    return this.format(cnpj, correctDigitsLength, firstDotPosition, secondDotPosition, slashPosition, dashPosition);

  private static format(
    digits: string,
    correctDigitsLength: number,
    firstDotPosition: number,
    secondDotPosition: number,
    slashPosition: number,
    dashPosition: number
  ): string {
    const cleanDigits = this.getOnlyNumbers(digits);
    return cleanDigits
      .slice(0, correctDigitsLength)
      .reduce((acc, digit, idx) => {
        const result = `${acc}${digit}`;
        if (idx !== digits.length - 1) {
          if (idx === firstDotPosition || idx === secondDotPosition) {
            return `${result}.`;
          if (idx === slashPosition) {
            return `${result}/`;
          if (idx === dashPosition) {
            return `${result}-`;
        return result;
      }, '');

  private static isValid(digits: string, correctDigitsLength: number, weights: number[]): boolean {
    const cleanDigits = this.getOnlyNumbers(digits);
    if (cleanDigits.length !== correctDigitsLength || this.isAllTheSameDigits(cleanDigits)) {
      return false;
    const digitsWithoutChecker = cleanDigits.substring(0, correctDigitsLength - 2);
    const digitsChecker = cleanDigits.substring(correctDigitsLength - 2, correctDigitsLength);
    const calculetedChecker = this.calcChecker(digitsWithoutChecker, weights);
    return digitsChecker === calculetedChecker;

  private static getOnlyNumbers(digits: string): string {
    return digits.replace(/\D/g, '');

  private static isAllTheSameDigits(digits: string): boolean {
    return !digits.split('').some((digit) => digit !== digits[0]);

  private static calcChecker(digits: string, weights: number[]): string {
    const digitsLength = digits.length;
    const digitsLengthWithoutChecker = weights.length - 1;

    const sum = digits.split('').reduce((acc, digit, idx) => {
      return acc + +digit * weights[digitsLength - 1 - idx];
    }, 0);
    const sumDivisionRemainder = sum % 11;
    const checker = sumDivisionRemainder < 2 ? 0 : 11 - sumDivisionRemainder;

    if (digitsLength === digitsLengthWithoutChecker) {
      return this.calcChecker(`${digits}${checker}`, weights);

    return `${digits[digitsLength - 1]}${checker}`;

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