Phonegap facebook api in Angularjs


Viewed 16 times


According to this project, i installed via git-shell, this plugin in my phonegap, went to the root folder and ran the shell. At least, in this tutorial, there was nothing else explaining, but when I call facebookConnectPlugin he is undefined. I need to do more to use this plugin?
He created a plugins folder, in the same directory where the www folder is, and within this plugin folder, he created the facebook-connect folder.

  • Michel, you are asking many related questions only in a different way. It is already the 3rd question on the same basis. Just ask a question about the problem and wait for the answer.

  • I’m sorry, I went around and around, until I realized that phonegap doesn’t allow me to use Facebook’s own because it has his, so I went after what it looked like and I found it. Only in the tutorial, they only talk to install via npm, I install, but when I call the function is undefined.

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