Jquery Cycle 2 Slide displaying below alignment


Viewed 108 times


I’m using the plugin Cycle 2 of JQuery. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Here is the link: http://www.dinamicaimoveis.com.br/novo/

I have two divs. One floating to the left and one to the right. In one I have a text and an image. In the other, I have a slideshow.

To div of Slide show flutua à direita. It turns out that above the slideshow there is a space up to the top of a 20px that I can’t take away, making her stay these 20px below the alignment of div that flutua á esquerda.

In fact what it looks like is that beyond the area where you see the slide show, there’s some invisible element but it’s occupying space.

Here’s the code:

<div class="dados">
  <?php echo $constantes->getCorretor(); ?> - <?php echo $constantes->getCreci(); ?><br />
  <img src="_img/icon-caixa.gif" /><br />
  <?php echo $constantes->getEnderecoCompletoSite(); ?><br />    

<div class="cycle-slideshow slide" 
    <!-- prev/next links -->
    <div class="cycle-prev"></div>
    <div class="cycle-next"></div>
    <div class="cycle-pager"></div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/muriae.png">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Brazão Muriaé</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/grande_hotel.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Grande Hotel Muriaé</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/cristo.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Cristo Redentor Muriaé</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/matriz_centro.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Matriz São Paulo</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/matriz_porto.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Matriz do Porto</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/matriz_barra.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Matriz da Barra</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/matriz_barra2.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Matriz da Barra</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/pedra.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Pedra Santa Maria</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/rodoviaria.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Prefeitrura e Rodoviária</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/cachoeira.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Cachoeira do Rio Preto</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/horto.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Horto Florestal</div>

    <div class=slide>
       <img src="_img/_banner/panaroma1.jpg">
        <div class=cycle-overlay>Vista Pnarâmica</div>


Where am I going wrong?

1 answer


Resolvdo: In the plugin css there was a border 10px auto

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