In a String separates with data separated by ";" how to take the 2nd data?


Viewed 75 times


I have the string x = "Alberto;Jose;Felipe;Ana". I needed to take the 2nd dice, how do I do that? I thank you already.

Obs: The string x is inside an array of strings.

  • I’m not a Java programmer, but the logic you want to use is similar to reading CSV files, follow the link

3 answers



"split" returns an array with all strings resulting from the "break" in the character passed by parameter.

  • exactly what I needed, forgot the detail that the split returns an array.


To take data from a string separated by ";" you can use the method split of the variable string itself.


String x = "Alberto;jose;Felipe;Ana";

String[] dadosSeparados = x.split(";");

for(String s : dadosSeparados){
    System.out.println("dado : "+s);


Use the string class split function.

String frase =  "Alberto;jose;Felipe;Ana";
String[] array = frase.split(";");
  • String array[] shouldn’t be String[] array? And just one addendum, this line String[] array = new String[3]; is very prolific, you can do direct String[] array = frase.split(";");

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