Error searching for Information in Sharedpreferences Android


Viewed 82 times


I have an android application, and in it I keep some basic user information in Sharedpreferences, but started to show the following error parse JSON:

java.lang.Illegalstateexception: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 2 path $


Class for Manipulating Sharedpreferences:

public static void setPreferences(Context ctx, String key, Object value) {

    pref = ctx.getSharedPreferences(arquivo, 0);
    editor = pref.edit();

    key = key.toLowerCase();

    if (key == null || value == null) {
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = gson.toJson(value);
    editor.putString(key, json);

public static String getPreferences(Context ctx, String key) {
    pref = ctx.getSharedPreferences(arquivo, 0);
    String obj = pref.getString(key, "");
    return obj;

Code to Save Something:

Note: Convert everything to Object before saving.

 Gson gson = new Gson();

 //Recupero o Objeto para editar o que tem gravado
 String aux = SharedPreferences.getPreferences(ctx, "configuracao");
 Configuracao c = gson.fromJson(aux, Configuracao.class);

 //Salvo Novamente
 SharedPreferences.setPreferences(ctx, "configuracao", c);

The first time saved, it works right, but when I try to get it from Sharedpreferences throws the exception above when doing the cast:

SharedPreferences.setPreferences(ctx, "configuracao", c);

Class Configuration

public class Configuracao {

        private String ip;
        private String porta;
        private String caminhoWebService;

        public Configuracao(){

        public String getIp() {
            return ip;

        public void setIp(String ip) {
            this.ip = ip;

        public String getPorta() {
            return porta;

        public void setPorta(String porta) {
            this.porta = porta;

        public String getCaminhoWebService() {
            return caminhoWebService;

        public void setCaminhoWebService(String caminhoWebService) {
            this.caminhoWebService = caminhoWebService;


The first time I write the configuration object and call getPreferences then the object comes this way: //Works


If I set again, replacing what was recorded, and call a get again, this comes in the return: //Casts the exception


In this case, it casts the exception above.

Does anyone know what it can be?

  • could display the Configuration Class?

  • Opa, of course, I added the configuration class, as it had many fields, I left only the necessary ones, but it is in this format.

  • can you give me an example of wayWebService is a simple url? type: http : //

  • I added how you are returning me in debug when the error happens, if you return me without these bars "" would work without problems, but why return so, have some idea?

  • I don’t understand, buddy! Without the bars it works?

  • I edited the question, but when I try to record the second time, it seems to disfigure the json, and throws the exception above.

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1 answer


I found the problem:

In a system method, I was having a string saved instead of the Configuration Object, so I was throwing those bars and defacing my code.

I was doing like this:

String config = "http://......";
SharedPreferences.setPreferences(ctx, "configuracao", config);

Right way to go:

Configuracao configuracao = new Configuracao();
SharedPreferences.setPreferences(ctx, "configuracao", configuracao);

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