Download SQL Server Backup Amazon


Viewed 180 times


Good afternoon, would anyone like to tell me how I donwload my Amazon RDS backup? Entering Sql Server Manager Studio with you appears the option and that the backup is in the directory D: RDSDBDATA BACKUP how do I access it?

  • And going through the directory itself won’t?

  • @Victorgomes I don’t know how to access this directory. The application server VM instance does not have this directory and the database is in RDS I do not know, how to access, I googled more not discovered yet.

1 answer


Straight from Amazon RDS FAQ:

Q: Where my database snapshots and automated backups are stored and how do I manage their retention?

Amazon RDS automated backups and BD snapshots are stored in S3.

You can use the AWS Management Console or the Modifydbinstance API to manage how long your automatic backups will be maintained by modifying the Retentionperiod parameter. If you wish completely disable automated backups, it is possible to set the retention period to 0 (not recommended). You can manage your user database snapshots through the section AWS Management Console snapshot. It is also possible to view a list of user database snapshots for an Instance specific database using the Describedbsnapshots API and delete snapshots with the Deletedbsnapshot API.

  • and how to do donwload of backups?

  • It doesn’t. You can restore. If you want to back up, you will have to move to your own manager, that is, run a backup routine through Management Studio, which is not indicated but can be done.

  • why is not indicated? If my client wants a backup I need it.

  • I consider not indicated because you will traffic your entire database to your backup location. Amazon charges you "Transfer Out" and if the frequency is high, can make your Amazon account expensive.

  • Ok, and how would this backup know tell me? Using t-Sql command occurs permission problem.

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