Close the Bootstrap dropdown by clicking on another dropdown in the same menu?


Viewed 910 times


The menu needs to remain open while I click anywhere on the document or screen, however, when I click on the dropdown of a second menu, it should close the previous one, and also need to open and close by clicking on the dropdown.

My bootstrap code:

 $(function() {
        "": function() { 
            this.closable = ($('').length > 1) ? true : false 
        "click":             function() { this.closable = true; 
        if (($('').length > 1)) {

        "":  function() { return this.closable; }

Note that in the rule I am checking if there is at least 1 open, so it changes the behavior, dropdown, but it should close all menus when I click on any other or the same dropdown, and start the dropdown process again.

View the menu in JSIDDLE

3 answers


Already solved the problem, just make a Trigger on the button:

$(function() {
        "": function() { 
            this.closable = ($('').length > 1) ? true : false 
        "click":             function() { this.closable = true; 

        "":  function() { return this.closable; }


One solution: Remove the check if (($('').length > 1))

$(function() {

    "": function() { this.closable = ($('').length > 1) ? true : false },
    "click":             function() { this.closable = true; 

    "":  function() { return this.closable; }


View the menu in JSIDDLE

  • Follows jsfiddle with your change if you want to add the answer and +1 :)

  • No @Brunno, dropdown is not closing, it does not solve the problem...

  • You just left him stuck... That’s not what I need, I need the menu to be "dropdown", I mean, when I click it first opens and the second time it closes. I edited the question to be clear, okay?


As the removeClass parameter you must pass the opened string. If you remove the open class, it will get stuck. Follow the fiddle:

(I changed our friend above)

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