Insert a calendar with HTML


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I’m trying to insert a calendar into HTML, but that calendar is going wrong. The calendar is the green one on this page: Only I only get the tasks and the days don’t. I’m doing wrong?


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  • It’s hard to understand what you want, from what I understand you want a code that shows the current date, correct?

  • No. I want to put on my website a calendar like the one on the page I sent on the link that green Only when I copied, only the tasks and not the days appear to me

  • Somebody help me please?~

1 answer


If the timetable referred to is of this page, he is using the Fullcalendar for that reason.

To use on your site, just do download the page or use the cnd.

A basic example would look like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

    // page is now ready, initialize the calendar...

        // put your options and callbacks here

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='//' />
<script src='//'></script>

<div id='calendar'></div>

Of course, on the site he is using the other functions to create events and modified the CSS to be "more beautiful", but this is all about customization.

  • Thanks for the answer but I haven’t been able to do it yet. In my code, what would you add/improve to get the calendar? I haven’t been able to get the calendar yet. Thank you

  • @Nelsonsoares In your code you are not referencing Fullcalendar anywhere. Look at the scripts you have in the answer, you need them to work.

  • @Nelsonsoares Add the same thing to my answer in your code that will work, after that you will have to study the framework to suit your need. This can’t help you like this. But go asking according to your doubts.

  • I’ve already added your code but it’s still not showing up. I’ll post the code I changed to Voce take a look and see if I did well. Thank you

  • @Nelsonsoares You own two div’s with the id="calendar". The id element shall be unique.

  • I already deleted a div but I have not had success yet. I put the code as you see with your scripts and with the links and still does not scroll. Please help me

  • @Nelsonsoares You’re using multiple versions of jQuery, which can cause conflict. Never put the scripts in the middle of the code, leave at the beginning or at the end, depending on what you use. Open the browser console (F12) and see if an error appears.

  • I already put the code at the end. But I haven’t succeeded yet. You have to install something in the browser?

  • @Nelsonsoares If it does not appear it is because it has some error. Press F12, go to the console tab, see the error that appears and fix it.

  • Yes, there are two identical errors: Browser Link : Failed to invoke Return value callback. Security error: the Operation is insecure. These are the same two bugs. Help me fix @Randrade

  • @Nelsonsoares Remove everything that is not CSS and that has nothing to do with Fullcalendar. Some script of yours is preventing it from working. After it works, add each script until you find the problem.

  • I already did that. I removed and added again. I left commented two that it was giving get error. But it still gives me an error of: GMT+001(GMT STANDARD TIME) Faile to invoke Return value callback. The Operation is insecure. Can you help me with that?

  • @Nelsonsoares No. I don’t know which files you have there and which one is giving this error. I advise you to create a new page with the answer code and after it is working, add the rest one by one. On a new page, without any other file, the answer will work.

  • I get it, man. But I need your help. in fullcalendar.min.css and fullcalendar.min.js and Moment.js is making an error there and says that this is where the connection is not secure. How do I fix this? @ Randrade

  • ie this giving error in those links that Voce posted earlier

  • @Nelsonsoares The links I passed are just examples. Go to the site and download the files, as I indicated in the reply. Together you will see an example of how it works. And too, use the framework site to see what you need to do, I can’t help you because I don’t know what you have. Do everything from scratch and understand how Fullcalendar works, then you will be able to embed in your page.

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